Our Vision for a 21st Century Community Building 

We are seeking to deliver; 

  • A safe community facility fit for the club to thrive at over the next 50 years!
  • A Bright, inviting and warm space for all ages
  • A modern and flexible multi-finctional building to appeal to a wide range of local community groups
  • A sustainable facility with low maintenance and running costs

The new facilities will...

  • Be centrally located and accessible for all pitches and sports; next to the current clubhouse
  • Have a low ecological impact and many sustainable features
  • Be robust and secure, and
  • Massively improve the experiance for those who regulary visit and play at the club.

“The heritage and achievements of CRFC lie at the heart of the club, the new clubhouse will continue to reflect this ethos”

We’ve worked with local architects, the RFU and other
stakeholders to develop the new proposals.


Building Design Features 

  • A single storey building that is adaptable and flexible 
  • The design form is a deliberately simple and agricultural aesthetic
  • It will act as an entrance to the sports ground and create a sense of arrival.
  • The use of environmentally friendly materials with regards to embodied energy and lifespan
  • A cost effective design 
  • Accessible and DDA compliant 


Internal Layout Features 

  • Main central corridor (with club boards) leading to the two parts of the building
  • A light and airy hospitality space for club and community events with dining area for +100 covers
  • Large sliding doors and glazing facing the main pitch and training area to create high levels of natural light
  • Bar area featuring club memorabilia and trophy cabinets.
  • WC’s for both able bodied and disabled
  • New changing facilities for players and officials 
  • Player’s gym and physio/medics space
  • External hatch for hot drinks and food
  • External toilets

Planning permission secured in Summer 2024!

The development team are now preparing a construction plan to start work in Summer 2025.


Develop and launch the fundraising 

The sports club committee are leading the fundraising planning. A variety of sources are expected and we hope the whole club membership will support us and get involved!

The great news is that the club expects to receive over £600,000 from TWBC from local developer  S106  contributions, but we need your help.


Procure a contractor and the supply chain to deliver the works

The construction works will take place while we still have use of the existing clubhouse. 

We’ll decant into the new building and then demolish the old one. The works will include landscaping and parking improvements along the access route and in front of the new clubhouse. 

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